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Payment and Stabling

We are excited to welcome you to Lowcountry Hunt's annual Plantation Hunt Weekend! 

We suggest large groups participate in early reservations so that your group stays together when assigning stalls. Stabling will only be assigned with PAYMENT IN FULL.

If you are coming with a group and want to stable together, the entire group must PAY IN FULL before stabling is assigned on 12/28/2023

Special accommodation requests should be made at the time of registration. We cannot guarantee a particular barn, however we will do our best to accommodate requests.

Please plan to be paid In FULL by December 28th to be ready for Hunt Weekend 2024!

Online Registration Form (Click Here)


Payment Options: 

1. Check

  • Check made payable to Lowcountry Hunt

  • Send to Lowcountry Hunt (c/o Casey Bartman) PO Box 1668, Walterboro, SC 29488 (no fees)

2. PayPal Payment

  • Payments may be made online through PayPal to 


Why should I Pay Early? 

  1. The deadline for payments and reservations is December 28th, 2023. 

  2. The Holidays are right around that time... so are many family vacations. 

  3. Large groups should register and pay ahead of time and TOGETHER to ensure stabling assignments and availability. 

  4. Stalls must be paid for in advance to receive a stall assignment. We will not hold stalls without rider packages ... when we post stabling assignments closer to the event, you want your name to be on the list!

  5. Lowcountry Hunt does their best to Save you money on stabling! Show grounds are charging upwards of $75/night for stabling. 



Stabling Assignments will be posted after registration closes. Please contact Joanna Lacey with any questions or requests. 

Hunting License: 

South Carolina requires all participants who are hunting with a live hunt to hold a Small Game hunting license. Please see the links below to purchase a hunting license ahead of time. We recommend a 3-day or annual pass purchase. The fine for hunting without a license (if asked by DNR) is $500 and a misdemeanor. 

SCDNR - Purchase your License and more...

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